Tuesday, May 24, 2016

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Buy ntc ncell data packs

ntc ncell data packs 

buy data pack ntc ncell

nepal telecome has now started data packs system
with different rates.
how to buy ntc ncell data packs
buying data packs from ntc and ncell is now great idea 
to save money .
now ntc has provided a cheap data
packs and longterm data packets system than the ncell lutna kai lagi

namasteh prepaid mobile data packs 
*bronze package 
buying this package two hundred and five hundred data packs are avaiable in ntc (nepal telecome)
the namasteh prepaid data packs are valid for a 
month otherwise cash is non refund  to the customers. 
this packs is good and cheap also so this package is good for the normanl users.
and also buying data packs from ntc is easier.

*silver package
on silver package or heavvy package you can get
1gb to 3gb data package from ntc.
rates for prepaid customers
 ntc prepaid users paid
RS 500 for 1gb
RS1290 for 3gb
time for these data packet 1 gb data packet
should be finish in 1 month and 
5gb data packets should be finish in 
2 months

*gold package 
this package are for longterm and cost is also high 
in this package users can buy upto 5gb and 10 gb 
these packets kinnu vanda taw wifi nai jodey ko ramro.

 rates for the data packtes
5gb data 1800
10gb data  2800 this pack is valid up to 3 months for 5gb 
and 10 gb = 6months

note these data packets are excluded tax after adding taxes value may be different
and this information is collected from various sources 
so we are not responsible for any problems.
 to buy these data packets 

 follow this
 ntc prepaid users can buy data packts 
sms to 1415 
<DATA200M> and send it to 1415
 for getting information about other data
<VL> and send it to 1415

how to buy data packets from ncell 

ncell  lay nepal lai lutna nai janya xa

to buy data packs from ncell
 and select your choosen data packets
ncell data packets are various kinds 
 there are facebook packs
unlimited packs 
heavvy packs ,  medium packs

ncell says it provides unlimited package for 30 days
but what happens let me to tell you
when you buy data packs from ncell it runs 
1gb up to 3g
but after 3g  so much slow it says 37kbps
but its 4kbps always making fool to the nepali ncell

ncell data packs are only cheap for the facebook packs
but its quite expensive for other packs


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