Thursday, May 12, 2016

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How to improve seo for blog

hello guys today i am going to write an
article about seo (Search engine opmitization)
better seo is the dream of every new blogger
a better seo helps you to get rank in search
engine and getting organic traffic.
for better seo there are some things which
are needed to manage they are
1}backlinks -->backlink are the refferring links to your url
it means some if some websites reffer
for some information by taking your link
in its post is called backlink.
backlinks are also called the incoming links
to webpage.
its diffcult for new blogger so  here i am
going to describe some of the tyypes of

. at first
do follow link : If you add the links in your blog that is do follow links
NO follow link : When a website  get links to any other websites or blog and
that link has a no follow tag, that link are not much useful because they do not
passes the link juice. but in my experience these links are very useful for
indexing pages on google very fast .
Internal links: the links that are going from one pages to another pages
within the same domain is called a internal links
Anchor text: the text which is used to hyperlink is called a anchor text.
anchor text backlinks are great to rank for the particular keywords.


before i talk about backlink for seo
i tell you about changes in its .
past years before even the low quality
of backlinks helped to get a rank on google
but after some algorithm updates of google like
penguin ,, humming bird we are now in trouble
now low quality backlinks makes your rank lower.
so now in this time your aim should be
for getting quality links from the respective and
high quality sites or blog.
now lets talk about its importance
for getting organic traffic backlinks plays
a very important role.
if your any of the content is getting any of the
organic links from other sites ,
then that content will naturally rank higher
with ssearch engines.
for instant indexing of the site
backlinks helps the webcrawels bots to index your pages faster and effectively
so it is too much important to have backlinks
to get rank and index faster.

now for getting backlinks there are many methods
i am going to mention some of them
at first make some videos related to your blog
and upload on your youtube and leave a link
with description
.share your content on google+
share your links on twitter
it is a best social media for getting better twitter
blog commenting
blog commenting is a famous and easiest idea to make backlinks
you just need to do is
leave a link of your blog after giving a geniune feedback
after reading their articles .
if they approve your comment you will
get a no follow link it is  not soo much good but it works.

submit your site or blog to web directiores
you should submit you web link on
1.from broken link building method guest posting discussing the question and answering by including your
link of blog you can use QUORA
download it from play store.
4.ask question and answers and here also
leaving a link on yahoo
5.interlink to your posts
6. by submitting your articles on stumbleupon
7.submitting your rss feed to many rss directiores.
8.advertise on google adsense

now that were the factors for backlink for better rank on 
google search but there are other many things to care about they
are the meta tags keywords
and a most important thing is a custom domain for your blog
or websites.
now you also need to submit your site to
google webmaster tool
so that google will
index your pages .
not only google to yahoo
bing any mamny  other search engines and directiores.

you also need to make a user content page on wikipedia
and also include a link of you blog
wikipedia helps a lot for this because wikipedia is mostly a
large company for this work.
the most imporatant factor is notice by you while making blog
is copy right content mostly bloggers uses pictures
downloaded from other many sources without knowing that
they have copy right or not or they copied whole articles 
and paste in their blogs.
you should also be aware of the bad links of your site so
never use some online tools such as online backlink generator these links 
really makes you down in the search engine ranking.
if you are using images then always use alt tag 
to define about your images what are they about .
it is very helpful
.for audios you can use transcript for audio and videos.
NOW you have to target your blog for people according 
their age make blogs at that topic which are more popular
for example
films heriones  new songs are popular amoug adults
so involve in it.

keyword researching

 if you want to write an article by targeting to
the audience you have to add keywords that are centered to your audience .
 and also you need to care about title tags
H1 tags are the second title tags that sends the google about the relevancy
about your websites or blogs

about page loading speed

the search engines like google and bing takes as a ranking factor 
for the blogs and sites. a crawling bots can easily estimate sites loading time.

outbond links quality

many seos tell that linking to the high quality sites 
helps to google to crawl and makes quality of websites

hope this all point will work and help for you if you like this article please comment


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